Room 109 A-B
Migraine is a disabling neurologic disease, which is in the top 10 causes of years lived with disability worldwide.
The purpose of the discussion is to highlight the value framework for migraine and underlying assumptions. In addition, we will share migraine data, and an estimation of the population that may be appropriate for preventives. This workshop aims to foster a better understanding of value-based drivers which is critical to payer evaluation of a product’s value.
This workshop is intended for interested payers, healthcare plans and PBMs. Registration is required to attend.
Amy Benavente
Executive Director, US Value & Access
Amgen Inc.
Ryan Dammerman, MD, PhD
Medical Director, Neuroscience
Amgen Inc.
Sandhya J. Sapra, BPharm, MS, PhD
Director, Health Economics
Amgen Inc.
Intarcia Therapeutics
Room 151 A-B
Delivering value to patients is a primary driver of innovation for new medical technologies that are focused on improving both short- and long-term outcomes. As such, “one size does not fit all” is becoming a main tenet of personalized medical treatment that is tailored to an individual’s characteristics, needs and preferences. In chronic diseases, there is a dichotomy between the delivery of health care and the utilization of new technology that could potentially change the management of chronic diseases and deliver superior outcomes. This panel discussion is comprised of primary stakeholders who are key decision-makers in our healthcare system. They will discuss the role of new technology and how it can advance patient outcomes, the need for real-world evidence to evaluate the performance of new innovations, and the potential clinical, humanistic and economic population health impacts that are relevant to reimbursement and coverage decisions.
Anupam B. Jena, MD, PhD
Ruth L. Newhouse Associate Professor of Health Care Policy and Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and Attending Physician at Massachusetts General Hospital
Maria Lopes, MD, MS
Chief Medical Officer
Magellan RX Management
Peter J. Neumann, ScD
Professor & Director
Center for the Evaluation of Value and Risk in Health, Institute for Clinical Research and Health Policy Studies, Tufts Medical Center
Room 151 A-B
There are substantial, yet unrecognized clinical and economic implications of endometriosis. Patients with endometriosis may struggle with several types of chronic pain and various comorbidities. Current treatment options for women with endometriosis are limited. Consequently, patients may require multiple visits to physicians, trials of various prescription therapies, and invasive procedures, resulting in a substantial economic burden.
Key topics will include:
Steven D. McCarus, MD, FACOG
Chief, Division of Gynecologic Surgery, Florida Hospital Celebration Health
Founder and Director of the McCarus Surgical Specialists for Women, Orlando, FL
Julianne Hough
Actress, dancer, and Emmy award-winning choreographer, living with endometriosis
Alkermes, Inc.
Room 109 A-B
Theories about MDD pathways are evolving. Explore on-going research on MDD, including the potential role of the endogenous opioid pathway.
Vladimir Maletic, MD, MS
Clinical Professor of Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Science
University of South Carolina School of Medicine
* Subject to federal laws and regulations, attendance at certain sessions is restricted to payors, formulary committee, or other similar entity representatives with knowledge and expertise in the area of health care economic analysis, carrying out responsibilities for the selection of drugs for coverage or reimbursement. For more information, visit our website.